Regional events
Monday, 5th October 2009
East Yorkshire
(From the Yorkshire Vernacular Buildings Study Group newsletter Nov. 2008)
Timber-Framing in the East Riding
Following the recent successful dendrochronology of the cruck frame at Glebe Farm, Octon, near Driffield, the need for a wider systematic and comprehensive survey of timber-framed buildings has been recognised. The cost of this type of survey is well beyond the finances of the YVBSG, but we have been informed that such a survey would be a very good type of project to attract lottery funding. The committee
has agreed that the YVBSG should lead a partnership with other agencies, including the Humber Archaeology Partnership, to apply for ‘Your Heritage’ funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The working project objective would be to complete the recording of all surviving timber-framed buildings within the area of the historic East Riding of Yorkshire and the City of Kingston upon Hull and undertake dendrochronology to determine dates where possible.
We invite anyone who is interested and feels capable of leading or making a significant contribution to the project to contact the YVBSG Chairman before Friday 12 December. Thank you,
David Cook.
(From the Yorkshire Vernacular Buildings Study Group newsletter Nov. 2008)
In the November Newsheet we announced that the Group would apply for ‘Your Heritage’ lottery funding. Since then we have held a successful meeting with our project partners, at which a list of potential buildings was compiled. We also had help in
completing the pre-application to ‘Your Heritage’, and this has now been submitted.
The second step will be to complete the full application and this process will take longer, but if all goes according to plan we may be able to start the project in July 2009.
In the last Newsheet we asked for members who were interested in taking part to come forward and we are grateful to Geoff Brown for doing so. We also thank Susan and David Neave, and Dave Evans of the Humber Archaeology Partnership, for their advice and involvement.
We expect to draw recording resource from our membership across the whole of Yorkshire if and when it comes to surveying the buildings, and we will publicise these opportunities when they arise. However, if you are also interested
in joining the main project team, please let me know.
We would be interested in helping members, or indeed anyone with experience or interest in recording
buildings in the East Riding and Hull, to form a local recording group. In addition, if you know of any timberframed
buildings (or ones with significant and original roof timbers) in the area, please send me details so that
we check this against our list.
We see the project as an excellent opportunity to carry out a planned programme of recording work and dendrochronology in a relatively
neglected area, and to draw together the results to reach some conclusions as to how and when the buildings under investigation were built.
David Cook
Hedon Museum: The Hedon Room – Hedon Museum, behind the Town Hall, St Augustine`s Gate, Hedon HU12 8EX (10am – 4pm Weds. and Sats. only) - exhibitions
Tel (01482) 890908 for further details [information leaflet (pdf)]
Hessle Local History Society meetings are now held on the third Thursday of each month in Hessle Town Hall, 7.15pm {mospagebreak}
Carnegie Heritage Centre
The Carnegie Heritage Action Team finally opened up the old Carnegie Library on January 1st 2008 as a local resource for the general public to research both local and family history.
The group had negotiated a Service Level Agreement with the Hull City Archives and Heads of Terms were agreed with Hull City Council Property Services to enable the group to hold a 25 year lease for the building. Once in the building the volunteers were able to start cataloguing the books and sorting all the information CHAT had acquired from various sources. This was a mammoth task and is still
going on now.
Interest was shown by East Yorkshire Family History Society and a licence with them was drawn up from March 2008. They now hold their monthly meetings at the centre as well as opening every Monday afternoon for a Family History Help desk. A licence has also been agreed with‘The Bindery’, a department of Hull City Council who were made redundant on March 31st 2008 and who wanted to go independent. They moved in from April 1st 2008 and offer a large variety of book binding from student dissertations to renovation of old books.
In the first three months of 2008 CHAT have held two courses facilitated by Hull History Unit, ‘Local History for beginners’ and ‘Family History.’ They then went on to offer ‘The History of Hull Floods’, ‘Hull in the 50’s’ and a second run of the ‘Local History for beginners’.
In the autumn we started a run of Illustrated Winter Talks by various local historians which are held on the third Tuesday of the month.
To enable the group to be partially self sustaining they had commissioned local historian, Paul Gibson, to write a new book using his vast collection of Edwardian photos and postcards. This was called ‘Hull, Then & Now’ and was published in June 2008. The launch was a great success with the Lord Mayor coming along to the event and helping to promote this local book.
General maintenance of the building is ongoing with volunteers doing things like clearing gutters, painting the outside of the building and renovating the veranda to make it habitable. We hope to tackle the inside decorating in the next few months.
Plans are being made to tidy up the exterior garden area and talks are on going with an architect to have a disabled toilet fitted and a larger kitchen. This all takes time, money and valuable volunteer hours so if there is anyone out there who would like to contribute in any way we would be very grateful.
New courses starting this year are ‘Hull in the 50’s’ and ‘Local History for beginners’. Our Illustrated Talks are ‘The
Anlaby Park Estate’ with Chris Mead,‘Aspects of Local History’ with David Smith and the March talk is still to be arranged.
We open the centre up every Tuesday and Friday from 9.30am to 3.30pm for anyone who wants to research either local or family history and are pleased to see anyone with an interest in preserving their local heritage.
Liz Shepherd
Liz gave a talk to the Hull Civic Society on Monday 12th January and the organisation received their Good Mark award for “Rescuing the building and preserving its place in the community as the Carnegie Heritage Centre.”
Hull & District Local History Research Group
The Group meets weekly on Thursdays 10am-12noon. Contact the secretary, Margaret Justice, 4 Harbour Way, Hull, HU9 1PL 07760 165364, or the chair, David Sherwood, 9 Simson Court, Beverley HU17 9ED mob. 07799357262 for information of meetings, visits and local history walks.{mospagebreak}
The Pocklington History Group has a website,
Every day 10am – 5pm - Skidby Windmill and Museum of East Riding Rural Life, Skidby open each day 10am-5pm– admission adults £1.50, children 50p, OAPS 80p
Every Friday 10am – 2pm – The Sutton Exhibition Room and Resource Centre - History of Sutton village exhibition– Sutton C of E Educational Resource Centre, the Old School, Church Street, Sutton 10am – 2pm The Sutton Exhibition Room and Resource Centre open
every Friday from 10am until 2pm. Admission free. Coffee and biscuits 50p.
My Yorkshire, a new website celebrating all that's best in God's Own County. The numerous features of My Yorkshire include:
* a free daily online Yorkshire crossword
* links to many excellent Yorkshire sites
* potted biographies of many eminent Yorkshire people
* numerous maps and photographs