Howden Civic Society / VCH
Sunday, 4th April 2010
Howden Civic Society / The Church of the Sacred Heart / Victoria County History joint event.
Changes in Religious Belief & Practice in Howdenshire - Dr Sue Parkinson. Religion in Howdenshire has undergone hgh changes from medieval Catholicism in the Minster and parish churches, through the enforced and sometimes unwelcome changes of the Reformation, and the arrival of various religious groups in Howden and its nearby villages during the following centuries.
Yorkshire Connections of the Catholic Architect Joseph Hansom 1803-1882 - Penelope Harris. Joseph Aloysius Hansom, born in york, became an important Victorian architect and designer. he was responsible for the Church of the Sacred Heart at Howden, opened 3 July 1851 as well as the more famous Birmingham Town Hall and the hansom Cab.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010 7.30pm Church of the Sacred Heart, Knedlington Road, Howden, DN14 7DG All welcome - light refreshments available - entrance £2